
Currently available on Netflix, 3 French films to (re)discover on streaming. We watched them, we liked them, we recommend them.

Until April 30, 2019, you can vote for the Albertine Prize. Discover the 5 novels of the final selection, read them, make your own judgement and vote. 

It has been more than 50 years now that the sign, located at Turk and Larkin, in the Tenderloin, is displaying its wise quotes and sentences about our time, our society, our politicians, about us.

Mathilde Froustey's story is like the new Tales of the City... taking place in Oakland, Fruitvale. I went to La Maison Oakland to meet Mathilde with Sabrina Bot, her camera at hands. Here are our tales of a great sunny afternoon East Bay in words and images.

Laurent Le Gall has been living in the Bay Area for the last 20 years. Burning Man has become like a ritual, like a retreat to share thoughts and emotions. He directed and produced a serie of 8 short documentaries to document this overwhelming exprience.


[updated] Lola Lafon will be in San Francisco to attend 2 events: Gender in Translation, After Hours on the 4th and the presentation of her successful novel, ''The Little Communist Who Never Smiled'' at Green Apple Books.

Riad Sattouf, the French cartoonist renowned for The Arab of the Future will be in Oakland end of September.

To move forward with our articles series dedicated to Santa Cruz and conceived by Laura from the blog Far West Coast, below is a selection of 10 addresses to complete your local experience. 

[Interview] Petits Pas is a new yoga and dance studio for kids and adults opening in San Francisco. We met Virginie, the young French woman behind the project. Here is the story of our encounter.

If your child is learning French, and you feel desperate about how helping him or her in this learning process, you will fall in love with Storyplayr!

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