Valérie Müller and Angelin Preljocaj based the screenplay on the comic book, Polina, by Bastien Vivès, that was released in 2012.
The French movie, Polina, was released in San Francisco and the Bay, last September. Since then, Novel Ciné and Petits Pas had organized a screening in San Francisco at the Clay Theater with Valerie Müller attending.
It's HaoExpression's turn to share the movie and encourage people to come and watch it. The Ecole de Danse based in Moutain View has scheduled 3 private screenings December 15, 16 & 17.
Great initiatiev we are happy to support. And on our side... we have seen the movie. Here are our thoughts and feelings, hoping to inspire you. It is definitely a great film to watch with your teens.
The brief story...
Trained from an early age by rigorous, perfectionist Professor Bojinski, Polina is a promising classic dancer. She is just about to join the prestigious Bolchoï Ballet when she discovers contemporary dance. That throws everything into question on a profound level.
Polina leaves it all behind and moves to France to work with famous choreographer Liria Elsaj. Despite her determination and hard work to the point of obsession, Polina just can't seem to break through. So she moves to Anvers in search of work - and a new life.
As soon as the movie starts, we feel like carried away by the photos, the music, the characters and of course, the choreographies that punctuate this modern initiation tale.
And it really does not matter when sometimes, the story seems to dodge reality or follows some expected path. In fact, what really matters and makes the film so moving and touching, is Polina's personal journey, that she pursues whatever happens, in spite of the mistakes, the misundertandings, the accidents, the questions.
Juliette Binoche's contribution to the movie is precious. Her natural grace is stunning and contrasts with her tough professional speech and advice, straight ot the point, irrevocable.
Jérémie Belingard accompanies Polina in a final duo, whose grace, sensuality, emotions are so powerful that you should remember it for a long time. The concerto that was chosen for this choreography is nothing but overwhelming. You want it to last forever to remain in this great state, mixing awe and emotions.
For Polina, dancers in real life had to learn to be actors, while actors in real life, practiced and practiced to be able to perform themselves dance scenes for the movie. This effort and shift contribute to the charm and appeal of the story.
One last thing... just an advice... when you will watch Polina going back to Bojinski... take a better look at the photos, hanging on the wall behind him.
@ HaoExpression
Mountain View
December 15, 16 et 17, 2017
Language: Russian and French, with English subtitle
To buy your tickets, click here.
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