Here are some advice and directions about your Christmas tree and its disposal.
You most probably noticed that some naked Christmas trees already landed here and there on the sidewalks. Don't do it so!
Here is how to proceed...
First thing, wait for a couple of days.
Recology offers a free collection of your Christmas trees starting January 2 until January 15, 2016.
Then, you should know that Christmas trees are not composted. There is something about them being too acidic. So don't bother filling your green containers with it. Too much work for nothing!
Don't abandon it carelessly on the street corner thinking that nobody will notice. And don't even think to burn it yourself in your fireplace or in your backyard. No way! Don't even think about it!
Just drop it on your regular collection day and leave it near your containers. Recology will pick it up. If you opted for a tall tree (6 feet and more), then you will have to cut it into 2 pieces. Good luck!
Of course... in the first place, get rid of the decorations, stand and bags. They are not good for the mulch!
Good try... but next time, leave them in front of your place!
What did we say about the stand?
That works even for the teeny tiny ones!
Nice camouflage attempt. Won't take roots though!
The stand!!!!
They will go through Recology's large wood chippers. The chips used to be turned into mulch, but this year, they'd rather should be used for biofuel to procuce electricity.
Symbolically, everything started December 27 at the Civic Center Plaza.
Now, you cannot tell you did not know:-)
And this year, CityGrazing offers another option. To recycle your tree, feed the goats! They love pine trees that bring some... picante to their diet! So to top it all in the art of recycling, bring your tree to 100 Cargo Way in Bayview, and the business CityGrazing will take care of it, accepting about 20 trees per day until January 13, 2016. It's worth calling to check with them.
Yes, it requires some effort. But think about it... Kids will love the idea!
[January 5 update] Too many trees! The goats are full of xmas and refusing any more! It will still be open this weekend January 9-10, 12-4 for visiting, but capacity for tree eating has been reached...
Still got that Christmas tree? Bring it to City Grazing for the goats to eat! Weekends 12-4pm and Wednesdays 4-6pm, thru January 13th. 100 Cargo Way, San Francisco, in Bayview. See for details.
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