The celebration of Epiphany in France is a tradition at least as important as Christmas... no buche this time, but a galette des rois or king's cake! 


On January 6, 2016, share "La Galette des Rois", a puff pastry cake with almond frangipane filling. It contains a charm (originally a bean called “la fève”), whoever finds it in its slice becomes the King or Queen for the day!




La Boulangerie de San Francisco

You will find there the delicious traditional Galette des Rois. You can also pick up a limited edition AplatSF tote. 




Whole year long, you indulge yourself with their scones or amazing pizzas. Apparently, they should offer Kings Cakes only the 6th of January.

For the other cooperatives in SF on Valencia or in the Bay Area, you'd better call to check with them, because they don't necessarily offer the same products.


1331 9th avenue, SF




Thorough Bread

Usually, the bakery is closed beginning of January. So you'd better give a call to check with them the availibility of their delicious galette.

Thorough Bread

248 Church Street, San Francisco


La Bedaine

La Bedaine's galette is made with puff pastry and frangipane. The feve is a whole almond. The best way to order is to call a couple of days in advance. Should be available the whole month of January.

1585 Solano Avenue, Berkeley

La Bedaine



Douce France, Palo Alto

Here, the "galette des rois" made with frangipane can be purchased until the end of January. That leaves us many chances to become the king or queen!

Order in advance or drop by.

855 El Camino real, Palo Alto

Douce France



Fleur de Cocoa, Los Gatos

2 sizes available as soon as December 31st and until January 25, 2015. No need to pre-order even though it is always worth it.

Fleur de Cocoa

39 N Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos



You can also take a look at our selection of addresses of bakeries and pastry shops to eventually discover other great savors and recipes.


And why not celebrate "Kings' Day" the Mexican way ?

In Mexico or Spanish America, the traditionnal Epiphany cake has an oval shape to symbolize a crown. Some Mexican bakeries in the Mission district sell the famous rosca de reyes. We tried the rosca from La Victoria bakery in San Francisco last year (the waiting line in front of the store was definitely a good sign). It was delicious!

La Victoria Mexican bakery,

2937 24th street


You can also bake it yourself and become the king/queen of the galette if not the king/queen of the day!

It seems difficult to you ? Try this recipe from the French website Elle a Table (well it's in French, we hope you have a good translation program on your computer).

Here are some hints to find the ingredients in SF: ready made frozen puff pastries (pâte feuilletée toute prête) are available at Trader Joe's (not always, though), at Whole Foods or Andronico's (brand Dufour) or in your supermarket (Pepperidge Farm sheets).

For the almond powder (poudre d'amande), go to Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods. And maïzena is the French word for « cornstarch ».

We told you it was easy !