Here is our selection of concerts within the next few weeks. Click on the artist you like to read more about him/her and the related event as well as to take your tickets.
@ the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
On Thursday, November 7, 2019
To read more and buy your tickets >> click here.
@ the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
on Thursday, November 14, 2019
French Thursdays in November at the Bill Graham. A week after Gesaffelstein, it will be Madeon's turn to go on stage at this great venue of the Civic Center. We swa him at the Warfield some years ago. His art and style are so worth it. To buy your tickets >> click here
@ the Fox Theater - Oakland
On Friday, November 15, 2019
Polo & Pan, the French Electro-Pop duo never stops touring and performing. After a year of concerts and Coachella that just closed its 2019 edition, Polo & Pan just announced a long US and Canada tour for this Fall (...) To read more and buy your tickets >> click here.
@ the Rickshaw Stop
on Wednesday, November 20, 2019
French electro musician, Fakear (Théo Le Vigoureux) is renowned for La Lune Rousse. He already performed twice in SF, at the Rickshaw and then at the Swedish American Hall. He is back to our beloved Rickshaw among so many other French artists programmed there this Fall.
To buy your tickets >> click here
@ the 1015 Folsom
on Friday, November 29, 2019
The Blaze... is the French duo, composed of Jonathan and Guillaume Alric, 2 cousins, who have been living here and there in France and abroad, and are now based in Paris. They have been noticed for their stunning videos.
They actually have a knack for films and movies. Their passion is all about the cinema. And it happens that the electronic music allows them to push their passion even further by its ability to add power to the story and the narrative.
They love cinema so much that the cinema noticed it. In 2017, they got the Film Craft Grand Prix at the Cannes Festival, an award that is usually given to advertising movies. The jury fell under the charm of Territory, technically and esthetically speaking... and musically speaking obviously.
They released their first album Dancehall last year.
To read more and buy your tickets >> click here
@ the Rickshaw Stop
On Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The French electro trio was revealed a few years ago in the US by attending SxSW. They released their 4th album last Fall in France and after touring in France and Europe since then, will come to the US and Canada for short series on concerts this December. To read more and buy your tickets >> click here
@ the Rickshaw Stop
on Wednesday, December 4, 2019
And yes, another French band coming to the Rickshaw. Hyphen Hyphen, the French trio from Nice, will leave you speachless and stunned with the insanely beautiful powerful voice of Santa.
To read more and buy your tickets >> click here

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