Useful Addresses Return to list
Lillie Mosaddegh MD.
390 West Portal Av. Suite B West Portal. (415) 753 0284.
Kevin Denny MD
2201 Webster Street
(415) 567-8200
Drs Clifford and Edna Lee O.D.
This list of physicians and medical offices is given for information only. Choosing a doctor is very personal. These physicians were recommended by several people, but they might not meet your expectations. Lost in SF is responsible neither for the medical expertise, nor for the rate of the healthcare provider. If you want to know more about a physician, a hospital or a nursing home, visit
Rates in the United States may be higher than in your home country. Do not hesitate to ask before making an appointment, and make sure the physician is covered by your insurance plan. If you are a new patient, you may also be charged a costly first appointment fee. Find out what to expect !
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