We have a winner.

With LostinSF, enter to win one year for free on MUBI and watch great cinema at home!



MUBI offers a constantly renewed selection of the world's best films, from cult classics to contemporary art-house gems. Participate to win a free yearly membership. And in the meantime, try for free and for 30 days! At LostinSF, we love great cinema, and... we love to share!


To participate, simply email us your answer at [email protected]:


Which movie of the short selection below is set in SF or around?


a- Mrs Doubtfire

b- Vertigo

c- The Zodiac

d- The pursuit of Happyness

e- None

f- All of them


Enter to win! The winner will be notified by email. You can participate until Thursday, December 18, 2014 at noon. Share the contest and start now and try 30 days on MUBI for free. Follow the link.