A newsletter that gathers news, experiences and practical pieces of advice about SF. Genuine LostinSF' ''raison d'être'' and purpose!
We asked Misha Weidman to give us some news about the real estate market in San Francisco. Hot topic, as usual! And buying could be cheaper than renting? Now that's something to think about!
Then, it sounded obvious to talk about the neighborhoods of San Francisco, to eventually help you choose if you had to. Let's start with our beloved Inner Sunset, a real gem along the Golden Gate Park. Follow the guide.
We had to mention Yelle's concert at the Regency in October. She is French and there are chances that you already know her. She has been performing a lot in SF in the last 3 years. All her concerts were sold out. So, be prepared, tickets go on sale on Friday, May 30.
Let's finish with a new section, dedicated to kids in general and in particular. This week, for our kids corner, Emma reveals her top 8 (+1) of the playgrounds in San Francisco. Another guide to follow!
Hope you enjoy receiving and reading our newsletter! If you like it, let your friends know about it. Thank you so much for your support!
Movie releases, Festivals & DVDs
Theatre plays, Ballet, Opera
Jazz, Rock, Pop, Symphonic & Co
Museums and Art Galleries
For them... with them...
Games and sports events
If you have some spare time...