The French comedy that met a huge success in France will be presented at the Alliance Française of San Francisco on June 16, 2015.
The story, briefly...
The first memory I have from my mum is when I was 4 or 5 years old. She calls us, my two brothers and myself, for the dinner : Hey boys and Guillaume, it's dinner time! Guillaume's life started based on a misunderstanding. He assumed he was a girl and everybody around him including his dad and brothers assumed he was gay.
Me, Myself and Mum is one of the funniest French comedy of the last few years. It is hilarious, but also smart, clever, subtle, moving. It looks and sounds like a therapy to overcome this confusion. Guillaume Gallienne plays his own part, and also his mum's. Awesome! He won the Cesar (French award equivalent to the Oscar) as best actor for his outstanding performance.
This movie would have deserved to be released in the US (and we would have deserved it!). But as far as we know, it di not happen. Even though, Diane Kruger is part of the cast. It should have helped, but not enough though.
The Alliance Française of San Francisco got the bright idea to schedule the movie on June 16, 2015 for one of its Movie Tuesday nights event. Thanks a lot and congrats for the initiative!
@ L'alliance Française of San Francisco
1345 Bush street
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
@ 7pm
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