Useful Addresses

Art and design materials stores, accessories for painting, drawing, collage, sculpture... Main addresses to know in San Francisco.


Flax art & design.

A creative person's paradise. Big selection of papers, pencils... They have a corner for kids as well. 

Alice Studio

New classes opened September 2012 and are tought by a young French artist... Alice. For kids and adults. Located near Glen Park - Diamond Heights.




SF Recreation and parks

The city of San Francisco offers numerous artistic activities for adults and children at affordable prices. For more information, visit


SF Recreation and parks

Check sfrec and browse all the classses offered at a rather affordable price.



Petits Pas

Petits Pas is a new yoga and dance studio for kids and adults opening in San Francisco. We met Virginie, the young French woman behind the project. Here is the story of our encounter. Read more.



Music lessons and intruments stores in San Francisco.



Union Music Company

Store owned by passionate people and open to the public for more than 90 years. Instruments, studios for lessons, repair, music sheets... It's all about the music.

Union Music Company

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