Green Apple Books: The green Bookstore

Green Apple Books can be compared to Alibaba's cultural cave! Booklovers could spend hours wandering around the aisles of the store where used books in good condition are available for a few dollars. Classic, horror, crime, fiction, even French novels (Flaubert, Camus, Maupassant ...), pick what you like.
And it's not only books! In fact there is something for everyone: CDs of all genres, classic, pop, rock .... and even LPs and 45s ; hundreds of DVDs, including a small selection of DVDs in French ; comics, magazines, new books and current best sellers.
And it's not over: a bit further down Clement Street, a second Green Apple Books sells coffee-table books, cookbooks, books for children ... and stationeries (greeting cards, planners, calendars... ).
Thinking of anything else? Just name it, it's here! New or Used!
At last, if you want to empty your bookshelves, or because you are moving elsewhere, this is the place to sell your books and CDs if they are in good condition. Open daily from 10am to 6pm.
That’s the SF way of shopping!
Green Apple Books
506 Clement St
San Francisco, CA 94118-2324
(415) 387-2272
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