Useful Addresses Return to list

Cooking classes and schools

Hands on Gourmet.

Dynamic hands-on cooking class for company's off-site events or private parties.

2325 3rd Street, Potrero Hill. (415) 553-8894


Parties that Cook !

Group cooking classes, private parties, team building events...

601 Minnesota Street #115, San Francisco, CA 94107. (415) 441-3595


Baking Arts.

Cooking school specialized in baking and decorating. $75 le cours (january 2011).

542 Brannan St #410, SoMa. (415) 706-7112


Cookclub Parties.

Cooking classes at you place. More information:  website , 800 210 4018.


Mama Thai cooking club.

Traditionnal Thai cooking classes.  
