For 5 years now, the Academy of Sciences has been one of the favorite family spots in SF.



The building itself is an attraction. With its sustainable design and its living roof, it is totally part of the visit. 





We have a special fondness for the aquarium. You feel like you wander in the middle of a vivid, silent, constantly moving world. And don't forget to greet Claude, the albino alligator! 






You will wisit the Rain Forest, discover Earthquake, Built for speed, the Morrison Planetarium, the pingouins after having admired the dioramas that remind us of the Museum of Natural History in NY), the rays squadrons under your feet... Enchanting and surprising, really.




The Academy of Sciences, it's a bit like the Exploratorium: kids always want to go, and actually you are not reluctant to go, on the contrary. The Academy of Sciences also oraganizes events fro adults with its Nightlife at the Academy of sciences. Every Thursday, the place to be.




In the end, think of checking the free admission days calendar. You should love it. We even tried one of these days. The line is long and impressive. That's a fact, but we have not waited more than 30 mns. 4 sundays a year plus the free admission days (Spring and Fall program) depending on your zipcode: check the calendar.






The Academy of Sciences

55 Music Concourse Drive

Golden Fate Park